Yokogawa Digital Solutions

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YNOW 2020 - Technology today, co-creating tomorrow

Technology today, co-creating tomorrow – Virtual event to showcase digital transformation solutions for the embattled energy and chemical industries

Companies in the energy and chemical industries are under pressure to remain relevant. Shifting perceptions of customers and society, coupled with weak end-user demand in many sectors requires asset owners and operators to think differently. Companies must adjust their portfolios and operating models by digitalizing deeper and faster to improve economics of marginal assets.

Many questions are being asked of digitalization transformation (DX) leaders and their initiatives. Why now? What's the value? How will it move the needle? Is there a roadmap? What should I do today? How do I maximize the resources available? How can I deploy in an agile way? Etc. There aren't easy answers.

Y Now 2020 is a live, online, DX focused symposium that will bring together some of the industry’s finest minds to share what they envision for the future and what’s worked for them to date. Over November 10-12, 2020, participants will come to better understand the value that digitalization offers and, more importantly, how to capture it in an agile and sustainable manner.

The symposium will comprise a variety of keynote addresses, industry panel discussions and end-user presentations providing actionable insights to capture the benefits that are not only possible but that progressive companies are already realizing. The event will specifically focus on the four key interest areas of:

1.  Production and Energy Management

2.  Asset Management

3.  Supply Chain Management

4.  Cybersecurity

Attendees will be free to pick/choose which sessions/presentations they’d like to attend or watch on-demand. We hope you, your colleagues and customers will be able to join us from your home offices or wherever you'll be.

For further information, please see https://www.ynowlive.com/home.